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About Us

Who We Are...

Over 30 years of war of Karamjong cattle raiders, LRA rebels’ activities, and South Sudan war led to many child-headed families many of which were internally displaced to live in difficult lives in the camps. LISCOD is focused on helping people recover from post war traumas.

For nearly 20 years of helping the victims of LRA war find hope through Christian counselling, evangelism, livelihood empowerment for the war-torn youth and women, relief services to the windows and elderly among others, the founders have developed understanding and experience in transforming lives of the the people experiencing hardships.

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Founder’s story

Catherine Odong the Founder of LiISCOD was born in 1985 an era when the Karamjog cattle raiders were at their peak of terror in the northern and eastern regions of Uganda. They not only raided helpless people’s cows but also killed the owners. This was also the time when civil wars in Uganda were at their epitome and later the infamous lord’s resistance army’s occupation and terror of the northern region. In 1988, Catherine’s both parents were killed by the raiders and left behind six helpless children with the youngest at six months. This was the beginning of Catherine’s horrible existence.

The only hope left for the orphans was their relatives. The clan distributed the children amongst the relatives. The act that was meant to relieve the children from the grief of lost parents fueled the misery. Catherine’s relatives prioritized their own children at her own expense. She was subjected to child labor and denied an opportunity to study like her cousins.

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We Make People Smile

Why Most People Choose
Our Charity



Our charity's focus on empowering orphans and widows through education has attracted a large following. By supporting our work in schools, you're contributing to a just and equitable society, and making a tangible impact in the lives of orphans and widows. Join us today.


Healing Hearts

Offering comprehensive support services, including emotional counseling, healthcare, and vocational training, to empower orphans and widows, fostering healing, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.


Empowerment for Orphans and Widows

Equipping orphans and widows with vocational skills, entrepreneurship training, and micro-financing support to facilitate income generation, enabling self-sufficiency, and fostering empowerment in their communities.


Sheltering Orphans and Widows

Ensuring a safe haven for vulnerable orphans and widows by providing secure housing, addressing their basic needs, and creating a nurturing environment that promotes stability, dignity, and a sense of belonging.

Our Development ideology


Lighter initiatives for sustainable community development Uganda. (LISCOD) development ideology embodies of holistic approach to post war community development.

It stresses the thematic integration of food security and agribusiness, livelihood empowerment, education for the orphans and most vulnerable children, conflict prevention and peace building, human rights, governance and policy advocacy supported by action oriented programs and Christ like compassion. Out of this comes mental healing from war traumas, completion of formal education by the OVC, increased household income, civic competence and improved livelihood for the widows and elderly.

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Your One Help will make them free from Hunger

Our Target:

  • Primary school fees - $150,000
  • Secondary fees - $240,000
  • Vocational training fees – $400,000
  • Grass thatched houses for widows and child headed families – $12,000
  • Donate food and supplies to most vulnerable widows and children – $100,000
  • Create and empower 100 youth’s groups and 100 women's groups - $200,000

Our Recent Causes

Our donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education and emergency care.


Education For Orphans

  • School
  • Books

Breaking the cycle of disadvantage, we provide access to quality education, scholarships, and learning resources for orphans, empowering them with knowledge, skills, and opportunities to thrive academically and pursue their dreams.


Goal: $150,000 - UGX55,725,000


Shelter for Widows

  • Home
  • Shelter

Offering a sanctuary for vulnerable widows, we provide safe shelter, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. Our homes provide a nurturing environment where widows can rebuild their lives, find support, and regain their independence.


Goal: $12000 - UGX44,580,000


Supplies For Orphans & Widows

  • Medicine
  • Cloth

Ensuring the basic needs of widows and orphans are met, we provide essential supplies such as food, clean water, clothing, and healthcare. By addressing their immediate needs, we empower them to focus on healing, growth, and a brighter future.


Goal: $1,000 - UGX3,715,000


Our Team

Mr. Opira Alex

The President Of LISCOD

Mrs. Akidi Catherine Odong

Founder Of LISCOD

Mr. Odong Denish

Co-founder LISCOD